Vipassana meditation: what is it?

Vipassana is an ancient meditation technique taught in India. It means to see things as they really are and is currently conducted all over the world. In particular, it is taught during a course lasting about ten days. But what exactly is Vipassana meditation and what are its benefits?

Vipassana Meditation in a nutshell

Vipassana meditation comes from Buddha himself and is adopted in India by countless people from all religions. In short, it is a style of meditation preached by the yoga teacher Satya Narayan Goenka. It appeared in the early 1970s and consists of exploring the inner world and taking into consideration only the present moment to purify the mind. In a nutshell, the word Vipassana, which gives its name to this method of meditation, signifies to see things in reality". Based on concentration, this technique acts as a filter and allows any person to select only those things that are beneficial to his or her life. During the practice of Vipassana meditation, the individual must concentrate all his or her attention on the five senses; hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell. The main objective is to rely only on the present moment, without leaving reality. Therefore, Vipassana meditation can be seen as a journey through reality from different angles as well as an exploration of one's inner world.

What exactly does Vipassana meditation do for the person practicing it?

The benefits of Vipassana meditation are similar to those of other contemplation techniques. However, unlike the latters, scientific studies show that it can: - reduce stress, anxiety and severity. The majority of those who practice Vipassana meditation are indeed less stressed and can see their lives in a positive light. - limit so-called addictive behaviours. By turning to this technique, heavy drinkers and smokers can have their consumption reduced or eliminated entirely. - provide a sense of well-being. People who use this method are more positive and less pessimistic. - focus on a specific goal. It improves concentration, increases intellectual capacity and directs attention to positive thoughts.

Some popular Vipassana meditation techniques

There are various Vipassana meditation exercises you can do today. Among these are the observation of drowsiness that makes one want to sleep and the observation of the abdomen movements by focusing on one's breath.

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